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How He Uses Rejection

Hey wonderful friends!

I'm sorry it's been so long, I've been crazy busy with college. I know, so many excuses.

So to start all of this off, I just want to refresh you on how I came to know the Lord's will for me, here at my new home, The Catholic University of America. I prayed for months that His will may be accomplished in me perfectly, and that it may be made blatantly obvious to me, so I knew exactly what He wanted. Did He ever. I heard people saying amazing things about Catholic in the hallways in high school, in class, family members would mention it, or I'd see something on Facebook. It was everywhere. I knew He had big plans for me, and my soul whispered that this was where He wanted me to continue His journey for me. I knew in my heart, but I didn't accept it right away. I'm stubborn, sometimes, friends. It's frustrating, and I'm getting better, but sometimes I need Him to kick me in the butt to get me to go where He wants me to go.

What was the kick in this situation? Rejection.

It doesn't feel great to be rejected. I remember being picked last for kickball, or not being allowed to sit with the cooler girls in middle school. I ran for offices throughout high school, and lost two out of the four years. I didn't get jobs that I desperately wanted at golf courses near my house that would allow me to play for free, work my game, and (hopefully) receive the college scholarship that I had been anticipating for years. Rejection hurts.

But all of those things didn't seem like such a big deal in the long run. Rejection was painful, but not unbearable. That was all true until I started to receive rejection letters from colleges. I was denied admission from schools like University of Virginia, Notre Dame, University of Maryland, and I was waitlisted from Villanova. I was okay with rejection from some schools, like UVA and ND, I was honestly expecting it. But Villanova was a safety school for me, and both of my parents went to Maryland. Let me stop here to say that I'm a good student. I worked really hard in high school, and it showed in the overall improvement of my grades, participation in sports, clubs, and student council. I don't know why I didn't get into those schools, and in fact, neither did those schools. I called both admissions offices, and they said I should've gotten in, but called back later with some vague reason as to why I didn't.

Now, this isn't my cry for justice, or some search for validation of some kind. I'm extremely thankful for those unexplainable rejections. I'm okay with them. I know that when I gave Him literally everything, my body, soul, mind, and heart, that He would mold my life to radiate His love through me. In that giving of myself, I knew that He might have to take things away to make room for a more perfect plan. This is a hard reality, but it's always worth it.

So, when He said no to every college but Catholic, what choice did I have but to follow Him? It was a yes from the start, to whatever He wanted, and however He'd get me to say yes would be beautiful in the end. Christ's Calvary wasn't fun, His death wasn't enjoyable, but the things He gave up to spend eternity with me and you were beautiful in every regard.

Now that I'm here, it's like I can be present fully, every day, knowing that each and every person that I come in contact with is part of His plan for me. It's an amazing thing, to know that you're doing exactly what He created you to do.

Right now, my life and my future is very up in the air. I am going through the process of switching my major from International Economics and Finance to simply Fincance. I'm adding a Theology minor. I'm waiting to see if I'll be a missionary at the wonderful Camp Covecrest this summer. I'm waiting on a decision about whether or not I'll be a Student Minister here at Catholic next year. I'm searching for internships and jobs for this summer if I'm not chosen for Covecrest.

Life is crazy right now. But it's okay, and it's beautiful.

So, lovely, wonderful senior who just got rejected from her top choice school, and strong father who's been fired from his steady job, and beautiful daughter who was left by her fiancé, you were not rejected because you made a mistake somewhere along the line. You were not rejected because you do not have what it takes. You were not rejected because of past faults, or failings. In fact, you weren't rejected at all.

He's calling you to something bigger than what you think is the best thing in the world. He's calling you to live out His greatest plans for you. Trust me, if you think you know what's best for you, He who knows the number of hairs on your head, and the first cherry tree to blossom in DC this Spring, and the number of children you'll have, and the number of hairs on their head, He knows what He has in store for you. He is for you, and He will not abandon you.

Your future is so beautiful, and He will bring it to fruition in the most authentic way in your abandon.

To quote one of my favorite songs by Mumford and Sons, "Love, it will not betray you, enslave you, or dismay you, it will set you free. Be like the man you were made to be."

He's got you.

Know of my prayers. I'll see you in the Eucharist.


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