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The Son and the Sun

Earlier this week, I was driving with three of my cousins to go mini-golfing. It was that time of day, when the sun is everywhere you need to see. No matter how many times I adjusted and re-adjusted my visor, I still felt blinded. After we turned on to another road, the sun was still shining through my rear view mirror. When we got to the mini-golf place, it shined on.

Then I made one of those beautiful connections.

We didn't call that big star in the sky the "sun" for nothing. The sun shines light on all that we do, whether we recognize its presence or not. The sun provides heat to the earth. The sun (sometimes blindingly) is always illuminating somewhere on the earth.

The Son of the Father, Jesus Christ, the Light of the World, shines on everything we do, whether we recognize His presence or not. The Son provides life to the earth. The Son (sometimes blindingly) is always illuminating someone on the earth. He is ever-present, and without Him, nothing but death would prevail.

It's funny that this happened so recently, because for the past two month or so, I have suffered extreme dryness in my walk. I could not feel Christ's presence, or God's voice, no matter how hard I tried. At some point, I just gave up, and said really basic prayers before bed, and just sat in Mass.

Even though I didn't feel Him, the Son was even more present to me than the sun. That time of dryness and suffering led to an even greater outpouring of joy that came a few weeks ago. It feels like I am completely new! I know that He was with me every step of the way, pushing me closer and closer to that life-giving moment.

And just yesterday, as I was completely blinded by the sunshine, I was overwhelmed with the Sonshine. He built me up, after two months of destruction. He hugged my heart, after two months during which I couldn't feel Him there. It was complete beauty.

The sun supplies the earth with light. The Son supplies the earth with everlasting light.

Run to the Sonlight.

God Bless!

-Cassie :)

From the Good Book:

"Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us rid ourselves of every burden and sin that clings to us and persevere in running the race that lies before us while keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus, the leader and perfecter of faith (Hebrews 12:1-2).

"Rejoice in hope. Be patient in suffering. Persevere in prayer." Rom 12:12

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